Friday, January 20, 2012

508 Pounds

It's a blog right? It's a collaborative effort by two friends tackling the challenge of living healthy lives in a stressful and complicated world. It's a supportive environment of like minded folks helping each other in the day to day challenges of life. It's a way to share ideas, tips and plans. It's a hippy collective, back-slapping, buddy system bromance. Right?

Nope. It's war.

It's a "pounds off face-off"

And it starts today, Saturday 21 January 2012.

257 pounds

251 pounds

Week 1 Challenge
Most distance walked.

Not just wandering around the office, but deliberately walked as exercise and tracked by satellite using our trusty iPhones.

Viewer Participation
Every week 3 bonus pounds will be awarded for the challenge based on the 'cheers of the crowd'.  That's you dear reader.  Yes, you will all get to vote on how the 3 bonus pounds will be allocated. Will you give all 3 to one contender because the other has been slack? Or was it a close contest, so the winner gets 2 and the loser 1?  We stand in judgement before you all.

Let the Games commence!

Dave 0 - Steve 0


  1. OK, I have thrown down the gauntlet Dave. (I didn't like the colour of it anyway)

    Fueled up on 3 egg omelette for breaky with mushroom and tomato followed by a 9.62km morning walk. Over to you....!

  2. Glad to see you two blogging again!

    1. I am prepared to incur more debt than Obama fighting this battle!!! :-)
