Friday, January 27, 2012

Week 1 - The Score

So when I weighed in this morning (weigh yourself Steve if you haven't) I was 257.9 lb down to 256.2 lb, but given I decided when I started this that we should score only the complete pounds rounded down, I score ZERO pounds (despite losing 1.7 pounds).  I have to hope for some sympathy from the viewers to grab a bonus pound from the voting.

We'll update this one post for scoring purposes. 

Dave 0 + ?      ? + ? Steve

Week 2 challenge - Substance abuse.

OK, Mr Dave..... Time to fess up about your substance abuse.

I have been abusing the white powder for WAY too long, and it's time that I admitted to myself and other just how bad this addiction is.

This week, we are tracking SUGAR consumption! Aaarrrggghhh the horror!

The winner of this weeks challenge with be the person who consumes the least amount of sugar. This will be calculated by the using the Carbohydrates - Sugars value on packaged food and drinks, or a Google search!

A teaspoon of sugar will count as 6 grams of sugar for the purpose of this test.
One slice of any bread will be 8 grams of sugar.

OK, my breakfast today was coffee with 3g, Baked beans 6g and a slice of bread 8g which is a total of 17grams of sugar.

The end is nigh! Oh, actually it's here! Week one done.

OK, so I have been a bit slack and not updated for a couple of days, but...... I did some more walking. Another 2.5km on the 27th.
Australia Day was a lazy day inside...... Guests for dinner... (An excuse not to go walking, at least I am honest.)

The cardio work that Tash has me doing is pretty cool, I have added hand weights now to a few routines. She has modelled her training style to resemble Navy Seal training. There is a lot of swearing and throwing things, and the occasional kick in the ribs.
I asked to be whipped, but she isn't into that sorta thing ;-)

I was totally inspired by Dave's Forrest Gump walk... Top effort that! Obviously I am going to have to watch out for him, he is not the crinkly old man that I thought he was!

Now, what heinous task can I dream up for next weeks instalment of 508Pounds????? Bwahahahahahaa!

Anybody, anybody??? Bueller? Bueller?

W1D6 - River Ramblings

Well, last day of the Week 1 score.

But yesterday was a whole different matter.  a 12km bushwalk along the picturesque Murrumbidgee River.  Not fast going by any means, I'd have done a lot more than 12km in 3.5 hours if I was walking on paths around the lake (for example).  Nevertheless a lovely way to spend the day, though I was pretty buggered by the end.

That puts my total score for the week at 21.83km.  What say the hare?  I count 26.62km from Steve from his posts.  Any more hidden walks up your sleeve there buddy?

New week starts tomorrow with weigh in and the voting starts to allocate the points!  have your say how they should be distributed.  Also Steven will be posting next week's challenge (I made up this week's to get the ball rolling).

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

In training for Australia Day!!

Ello ello ello, what do we have ere then?
Australia Day eve...

"She" dragged my screaming carcass out of bed this morning at 6:30am, I REALLY wanted to sleep in..... Did the short walk, 2.5km.

Poached egg on a slice of bread, and half a can of phart pellets had me satisfied till lunchtime, where I then enjoyed a Chicken Pesto Ceasar salad and OJ with my great friend and all round nice guy, Mr David Waldon (Never lend this man your car).

I even rejected the offer of Tim Tam's from a client.... Something is happening here... Woohoo!

Another 20 minutes of cardio and hand weights before dinner, my calves and quads are pumped.

Dinner, half a skinless chicken boob with dukkah, 3 veg and quinoa <- Yeah, you want it!!!

Another 5km down to the school and back, and that is the day... Today, I think I owned it!

Thanks to Tash for the encouragement. I need a lot more people, send it to me!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

W1D5 - Not quite habit

Yes, i have very sneakily claimed underdog status by...err...being the underdog. It is incredibly cunning of me I know. I draw the panel's attention to Steve's "usual 4.5 km walk" and invite them to compare with my "usual sitting around on the couch eating crap", asking only that they draw an appropriate conclusion.

Tuesday's efforts....non existent. No lunch time walk due to a farewell lunch for a couple of my troops. But I did take a lead from Steve and stocked up on vitamins and so forth, including some vitamin b. Steve was advocating the use of b3 as a real help to boosting energy, but the tablets I have are 100 mg whereas he was talking about 1500, so will be interesting to see how different I feel in a day or so. technically I am not supposed to exercise on immunology day but I think a gentle walk will be ok as I am now several years into treatment.

No excuses for tomorrow obviously as its a public holiday, but I don't think a big one is on the cards. I'm feeling quite stiff following the efforts so far. I might mix it up a little by heading off the beaten track and walking one of Canberra's nearby trails. The 'Bush Capital' has some very convenient locations even in the suburbs for getting some bush air. Just snakes to worry about there seem to have been a lot of them this year.

Evening Update

Ack! foiled again, lunch with the boss stopped the lunchtime walk and now that I am home there are looming thunderstorms!  The only positive to speak of was that I consumed a snack box full of celery and carrot sticks (after having eaten a grilled chicken and bacon burger for lunch....with fries).

Monday, January 23, 2012

The happy wanderers.....

I can see what Dave is doing, and he is very very sneaky. Making you all "think" that he is a poor old man (which he is)... And painting me as some urban freedom fighter that is going to join the French Foreign Legion to use it as a bootcamp training exercise. (They rejected my application because "I am not of sound mind or some shite").

Monday saw our usual walk to Clarence and return, notching up another 4.5km. Followed by 20 minutes of cardio.

Tuesday's walk of shame was a mere 2.5km and some upper body hand weight work, what can I say....It's better than nothing!

Tomorrow is another day..... Lets see what Dave can punch out on Wednesday. (He lives in Canberra, maybe a member of parliament??)

Week 1 Day 3 - Tortoise paces himself

Well given that rather than exercise tonight I gorged myself at one of Canberra's fancier restaurants for our anniversary I thought I had better get out and pound the pavement at lunch. So I shot down a fruit cup (two fruits) and headed out for a lunchtime wander. Feeling a little stiff from last evening's walk I was even more stately in my perambulations today. A spookily exact 4 km over 54 minutes brings my challenge total to 9.83 km. Still well short of Steve's Paris to Dakar looking numbers. God only knows what he'll manage today.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Week 1 Day 2 - Tortoise starts his Race

Well after a very slow start to the race (and after watching the hare tear off into the distance) the lumbering tortoise has finally made a move. A walk this evening netted 5.83 km at a very sedate 1 hour 13 minutes. Not exactly a blistering pace but then again the cunning hare neglected to mention he was already 6 weeks into some GI Joe Navy Seal Commando Killer Training Programme. But some kms on the scoreboard may at least score me a bit of the sympathy vote!

All guns blazing..... Jan 22nd 2012

January 22nd 2012

Hey peeps, Steve here. I fueled up on 3 poached eggs, some bacon and a heap of mushrooms for breaky, followed by a 5km morning walk.
I am popping some pills! A multivitamin, krill, 1000mg Vit C, RDI of D and 1500mg of B3.
So far today I have also had a coffee and 1.5L of water.
Did 20 minutes of cario work with Tash, now having a break before the night session.

Game on - January 21st 2012

I have thrown down the gauntlet Dave. (I didn't like the colour of it anyway)

Fueled up on 3 egg omelette for breaky with mushroom and tomato followed by a 9.62km morning walk.
Tash has got some great cardio routines for me, which I have started slowly on.
About 15 minutes.

For those out in Cyberspace that are interested, I have weened myself off sugar over the past 3 weeks. I have only had about 4 soft drinks since Christmas, and practically NO junk food.
I have been through a drive thru 4 times, and each time ONLY purchased a sugar free drink. (If that is not willpower, what is?)

Over to you big boy!

Friday, January 20, 2012

508 Pounds

It's a blog right? It's a collaborative effort by two friends tackling the challenge of living healthy lives in a stressful and complicated world. It's a supportive environment of like minded folks helping each other in the day to day challenges of life. It's a way to share ideas, tips and plans. It's a hippy collective, back-slapping, buddy system bromance. Right?

Nope. It's war.

It's a "pounds off face-off"

And it starts today, Saturday 21 January 2012.

257 pounds

251 pounds

Week 1 Challenge
Most distance walked.

Not just wandering around the office, but deliberately walked as exercise and tracked by satellite using our trusty iPhones.

Viewer Participation
Every week 3 bonus pounds will be awarded for the challenge based on the 'cheers of the crowd'.  That's you dear reader.  Yes, you will all get to vote on how the 3 bonus pounds will be allocated. Will you give all 3 to one contender because the other has been slack? Or was it a close contest, so the winner gets 2 and the loser 1?  We stand in judgement before you all.

Let the Games commence!

Dave 0 - Steve 0