Monday, February 6, 2012

W3D3 - A special Kind of Hell

Hi Everyone,

First a weekend report.  I went off like a frog in a sock!  Staurday I did 3 hours fo solid gardening and then on Sunday I went bezerk out there.  Starting at about 10am, I finally came in after an hour and a half of mowing at 830 that night.  I had some breaks throughout the day, but I'm claiming a quite conservative 5 hours.  Rest assured there was lots of digging, building new raised veggie garden bed, digging, planting, digging, weeding, digging and various other garden tasks.  Including digging. 3 + 5 for 8 hours total.

Today however, after a 6 month hiatus, I went to the gym at lunch time.  I did a "hi reps" pump class and can report that it's a special kind of hell. After the initial leg work...lunges and squats...i could barely stand.  In fact throughout the biceps work that followed I was in danger of collapsing as my legs uncontrollably shook and spasmed.  Luckily I was soon distracted by other muscle burning sensations and an urge to vomit during the ab component. I obviously survived, somehow managed to navigate down the stairs afterwards despite my legs not wanting to hold me up and walked back to work.  Another hour to the total.  9 hours total "out there".

I've watched a couple of TED talks tonight including this very short one entreating us all to Try Something New for 30 Days.  Hard to argue with something as simple as that.  I will be having a little think about how I might do something along these lines over the next week or so. 

Signing off for now!


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