Monday, March 12, 2012

Crack cocaine in moderation....?

OK, so I got your attention. (Couldn't think of anything else to write.)

How are you all going?

I am bludy good, fanks for asking!

Some funny and cool things have happened over the past few weeks, including but not limited to:

1. Quite a few people noticing that I am shrinking. (Yay!)
2. Two people have even rubbed my tummy. (There is no genie in there)
3. Been back to Taekwondo, tearing muscles and getting flexible. <- Love!!
4. Eating well, had pizza, steak sandwich, some pasta, rack of lamb and baked veggies and Sushi.
5. Had some Pear Cider <- Not cool..... I'll explain shortly.

OK, so here is where I just want to put on record that introducing sugar back into my eating plan sent me on a food bender that makes Charlie Sheen look like an alter boy!

We just cannot be friends anymore Sugar! I mean it, you bring out the worst in me.

There has only been a couple of occasions in the past two weeks, but coming off the sugar high, near on makes it impossible to resist eating JUNK FOOD!

If you did not watch the Sunday Night program on Sugar Called Sweet Poison, go and check it out for yourself.

The information presented comes from

OK, so that's it for now.... Just wanted to keep you updated.

I am happier, healthier and lighter!!

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